


Persian Name Generator

Persian Name Generator

Persian Name Generator Wheel

If you are a tourist or love Iran and are searching for the perfect Persian name for you. Persian is because the national language of Iran is Persian. The Persian names have love in them and feel very lovely when spoken.

Introducing our Persian name generator, the ultimate source for Persian names for males and females. Use our tool now to create a male or female Persian name for your baby, girlfriend, boyfriend, and everywhere else. You can also use our tool to generate your and your partner’s names in Persian, and then you can also make a ship name with them using the ship name generator.

How To Use

Using our Persian name generator is very easy for every person. Yes, we have provided a step-by-step guide on how to use our tool to generate Persian names.

  • First, select the gender. If you want to generate for a boy or male, choose the male option, and similarly if you want to generate for a female, choose the female option.
  • Second, write the word of the alphabet from which you want to create a name. If you’re going to generate a name with “A,” then write “A” and elsewhere.
  • Click the generate button.
  • When you click generate, the five Persian names with the specifications you have entered will appear in front of you.
  • If you do not like the generated name or like a name but want to create more, then click the generate button again. If you’re going to generate the names with a new word, then write it in the letterbox and click the generate button again.

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